
The 1x1x1 cube is a cube that is always in the solved state. It cannot be turned in any way because it is only one little cubie. The cube's only purposes are for fun and collecting, although some people will correctly say that it is the hardest cube to solve. The current unofficial World Record for the 1x1x1 Rubik's Cube is 8 minutes.

How it's made[]

The cube is made from a corner cubie of a regular Rubik's Cube. First you need to cut off the part of the corner that makes the cubie be able to turn with the cube. Next, you need to fill the empty spot with epoxy sculpt and mold the sculpt into the corner of the cubie. After the base is done just apply stickers and you have a 1x1x1 Rubik's cube.

Alternatively, you can buy one from, who also sell the Solominx and the Monominx.

Solving the cube[]

Solving this cube is extremely difficult, taking years of practice.


How To Solve The 1x1 Rubik's Cube
