
Fridrich Method is one of the most commonly used methods in speedsolving a Rubik's Cube. This method is

Fridrich method

The cross to start this method

first developed by a group of cubers and popularized by Jessica Fridrich. It works on a layer by layer method, first solving a cross on the bottom (cross), continuing to solve the first two layers (F2L), orienting the last layer (OLL), and finally permuting the last layer algorithms (PLL). This method is commonly referred to as CFOP. 

Basic Rules

The notation that will be used here is as follows:


R - Right face

L - Left face                                                                                                  

U - Up face

D - Down face

F - Front face

B - Back face

M - Slice between R and L (Middle)

E - Slice between U and D (Equator/ Equatorial)

S - Slice between F and B (Side)

x - whole cube in direction of R

y - whole cube in direction of U

z - whole cube in direction of F


No Suffix - clockwise

' - quarter-turn counter-clockwise

2 - half-turn

w or lowercase letter - double layer quarter-turn clockwise

w' or lowercase letter - double layer quarter-turn counter-clockwise

w2 or lowercase letter - double layer half-turn subdue I dnsnbdjnxjnjx


Solving the cross is the first step in solving the Rubik's cube using CFOP. This involves solving the four edge pieces on one side. The cross can be solved on any side, although many people solve it on the white. The method that is preferred by most is solving on the bottom. The method explained here will solve the cross on the bottom. When solving the cross, you do not have to worry about matching the edges to the individual sides. You must only make sure that the pieces are correctly positioned in relation to all the other cross pieces. You can turn the bottom face to match the pieces after the cross is done. This is usually the simplest step and takes expert speed cubers 2-3 seconds.


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Permutation of Last Layer

The Permutation of the Last Layer, or PLL, is the final step in solving a cube using CFOP. This step involves moving the pieces of the top layer without reorienting them to move them into a solved state. This step requires the memorization of 87 algorithms, which is relatively few considering how many F2L and OLL required.
